62 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review of climate adaptation in the United States: more than before, but less than needed

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    Randomized pilot trial of eight weeks of bedaquiline (TMC207) treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: long-term outcome, tolerability, and effect on emergence of drug resistance

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    The 2-year follow-up results for a randomized placebo-controlled study of 47 patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis treated with either the new diarylquinoline TMC207, recently renamed bedaquiline, or placebo, added to the first 8 weeks of a background regimen, are presented. Bedaquiline significantly reduced the time to culture conversion over 24 weeks (hazard ratio, 2.253; 95% confidence interval, 1.08 to 4.71; P = 0.031). With the exception of nausea reported in 26% of patients receiving bedaquiline and none receiving placebo, adverse events occurred at similar frequencies in both groups of patients: bilateral hearing impairment, extremity pain, acne, and noncardiac chest pain occurred in 13 and 21%, 17 and 13%, 9 and 17%, and 4 and 17% of patients, respectively, receiving bedaquiline or placebo. Excluding resistance to ethambutol and ethionamide, only one patient receiving bedaquiline acquired resistance to companion drugs, but five patients receiving placebo (4.8% versus 21.7%; P = 0.18) acquired resistance to companion drugs, and resistance to ofloxacin was acquired in four patients receiving placebo and none receiving bedaquiline (0% versus 22%; 0 = 0.066). In all, 23 patients (49%), including 13 receiving placebo (54%) and 10 receiving bedaquiline (44%), discontinued the study prior to its completion, 12 during the first 24 weeks of treatment. Eight subjects were withdrawn for noncompliance or default, and seven withdrew consent, citing the rigorous program of investigations for safety and pharmacokinetic monitoring. Bedaquiline may contribute to the management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis by effecting more rapid sputum culture negativity and by preventing acquired resistance to companion drug

    Early Bactericidal Activity and Pharmacokinetics of the Diarylquinoline TMC207 in Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis▿

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    Tibotec Medicinal Compound 207 (TMC207) is a novel diarylquinoline with a unique mode of action that targets mycobacterial ATP synthase. TMC207 exhibits high in vitro activity against mycobacterial strains either susceptible or resistant to all first-line and many second-line drugs, including fluoroquinolones, and has shown exceptional in vivo activity against several mycobacterial species in different animal models. In this early bactericidal activity study, 75 treatment-naïve patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis were randomized to once-daily oral TMC207 (25 mg, 100 mg, or 400 mg), 600 mg rifampin (RIF), or 300 mg isoniazid (INH) for 7 days. Sixteen-hour overnight sputum collected at baseline and on each treatment day was plated in serial dilutions on selective agar plates. The bactericidal activity was expressed as the log10 decrease in CFU/ml sputum/day. Pharmacokinetic sampling was performed on day 7 of TMC207 administration up to 24 h postdose. The decreases in log10 CFU counts (± standard deviation) from baseline to day 7 were 0.04 ± 0.46 for 25 mg TMC207 (n = 14), 0.26 ± 0.64 for 100 mg TMC207 (n = 14), 0.77 ± 0.58 for 400 mg TMC207 (n = 14), 1.88 ± 0.74 for INH (n = 11), and 1.70 ± 0.71 for RIF (n = 14). Significant bactericidal activity of 400 mg TMC207 was observed from day 4 onward and was similar in magnitude to those of INH and RIF over the same period. The pharmacokinetics of TMC207 were linear across the dose range. In summary, TMC207 demonstrated bactericidal activity with a delayed onset and was well tolerated, and no study drug-related serious adverse events occurred